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masir_mohd #1
Member since Aug 2010 · 4 posts
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Subject: get more room features
as I used xmpp discovery to get room Informations I can just get the following features :

<iq type="result" id="v2ETR-28" to="admin@web/Jaam">
<query xmlns="jabber:iq:private">
<scratchpad xmlns="scratchpad:tasks"/>
<iq type="result" id="RR74m-35" from="r6@conference.web" to="admin@web/Jaam">
<query xmlns="">
<identity category="conference" name="room6" type="text"/>
<feature var=""/>
<feature var="muc_public"/>
<feature var="muc_membersonly"/>
<feature var="muc_moderated"/>
<feature var="muc_semianonymous"/>
<feature var="muc_unsecured"/>
<feature var="muc_persistent"/>
<feature var=""/>
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="result">
<field var="FORM_TYPE" type="hidden">
<field label="Description" var="muc#roominfo_description">
<value>6666 6666</value></field>
<field label="Subject" var="muc#roominfo_subject"><value>6666</value></field>
<field label="Number of occupants" var="muc#roominfo_occupants"><value>0</value></field>
<field label="Creation date" var="x-muc#roominfo_creationdate"><value>20100717T08:21:36</value>

but I need more features like "allowInvites"  or "MaxOccupants", anyone can help about this?

thanks in advance for your answers.
Mohd Taheri
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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when you create a new room and request the configuration form you will see all features which your server in the current configuration supports.
The available features depend on the server software you are using and its configuration.

masir_mohd #3
Member since Aug 2010 · 4 posts
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thank you Alex
I use OpenFire. it Supports MaxUsers in the panel but when I request the configuration it doesnt show this feature.
you mean OpenFire maybe didnt support to show it to me by xmpp request??
Alex #4
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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You should ask the Openfire developers at:
masir_mohd #5
Member since Aug 2010 · 4 posts
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In reply to post #3
I found it
to use <query xmlns=''/>
first we should join the room. :)
thanks alot
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