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11alex11 #1
Member since May 2010 · 10 posts
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Subject: Cant get normal users name Instead I get negative Long number (via chat connect - Facebook)
I connect to facebook chat When I try to retrieve the list of online users I get their user names but in negative long number. Y is that? How can I get their normal names?

thanks :)
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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The Facebook usernames are negative numbers. But the name is also submitted.

  1. <item subscription="both" name="Bob Brown" jid="" />

11alex11 #3
Member since May 2010 · 10 posts
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How do I write it in C#?

**I forgot to mention that I do all this things in c# (.net)
Alex #4
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which of our libraries are you using?

11alex11 #5
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I use this code
Alex #6
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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You have to subscribe to the OnRosteritem event. Then use the follwing code to get the name.

  1. private void XmppCon_OnRosterItem(object sender, item)
  2. {
  3.     string name = item.Name;
  4. }
11alex11 #7
Member since May 2010 · 10 posts
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It works :) thanks.

Can I connect between the name and the negative number? or between the Roster item and the Presence?
In Presence I have more functions to much to chat (status and etc'...)
Alex #8
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Quote by 11alex11:
Can I connect between the name and the negative number? or between the Roster item and the Presence?

yes, the name is only a user friendly description. You can populate a collection in the OnRosterItem event with the mapping Jid <--> name and look up them later when you need. The Jid is a unique identifier in XMPP. You get the Presence in the OnPresence event by Jid.

11alex11 #9
Member since May 2010 · 10 posts
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thanks every thing works :)
tal170 #10
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can you please post the code you used to match the jid to the name, im still having trouble figuring it out for some reason, thanks.
11alex11 #11
Member since May 2010 · 10 posts
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        private void xmpp_OnRosterItem(object sender, item)
            string itemName = item.Name;
            string itemJid = item.Jid.User;

            if (item.Name != null)
                itemName.Replace('u', '-');
                nameLink.Add(new Names {jid = itemJid, name = itemName});

                _waitU = false;
                Console.WriteLine(" Got user List ");

nameLink is a list
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