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Connecting to openfire on Win 7 problems
DarthChucks #1
Member since Mar 2010 · 3 posts
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Subject: IPv6 issue?
I'm having trouble connecting to openfire on my development machine using the miniclient sample application.  The development machine is running Windows 7 and hosts openfire.  I can connect to openfire using the Spark client.  As I understand it, openfire can't bind to both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses (This is really a Java/Windows issue, not openfire).  Right now it is allowing connections on IPv4 via port 5222.

When running the MiniClient, it throws an error when attempting to open a connection.  In the debugger I can see the following error:

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it fe80::8454:ce93:b0e1:76b2%15:5222

It looks like the MiniClient is attempting to connect using IPv6.  Is there any way to force Matrix to use IPv4?

Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello Rob,

the latest version should connect to all IP addresses which are resolved from the DNS server. I assume in your case you get only one result which is an ipv6 address. You should specify the ip address manual like described in the example here:…

The Hostname property accepts IP-addresses and domains. When an IP adress is passed then it does not DNS lookups and you should have no more ipv6 trouble.

This post was edited on 2013-02-25, 21:29 by Alex.
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