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mw #1
Member since Feb 2010 · 4 posts · Location: West Hollywood
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Subject: Matrix & Facebook

we are considering using Matrix against Facebook, which supports XMPP chat since last week. Anyone working on this or has some ideas how to do it (cost efficiently if possible)?

Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello Martin,

there are no problems to connect to Facebook with MatriX because they use the XMPP standard now.
Quote by mw:
Anyone working on this or has some ideas how to do it (cost efficiently if possible)?
can you elaborate on this questions?

mw #3
Member since Feb 2010 · 4 posts · Location: West Hollywood
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So I just skimmed over the site and my XMPP knowledge is limited (I have read the book, but that was some time ago).
From what I have read here we need to have some kind of proxy set up to work around the Silverlight port issues. Is that correct or is there a way to avoid this when dealing with Facebook in particular? We really don't want to pay for chat traffic if we don't have to and keep as much client side as possible.

Here is our scenario:
We have a valid facebook connect session (user is logged in). We want the user to be able to chat with other facebook users. It is important that this is a seamless process, no additional login.

What would be the steps from here? A simple roadmap what to do would help tremendously.

Thanks a lot (especially for your patience, I guess those are all rather easy to answer questions)

Alex #4
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Quote by mw:
So I just skimmed over the site and my XMPP knowledge is limited (I have read the book, but that was some time ago).
From what I have read here we need to have some kind of proxy set up to work around the Silverlight port issues. Is that correct or is there a way to avoid this when dealing with Facebook in particular? We really don't want to pay for chat traffic if we don't have to and keep as much client side as possible.

currently Facebook accepts only standard XMPP connections in port 5222. There is no public BOSH interface yet or other non stantard XMPP ports.

You have no other chance than proxying the traffic until Facebook deploys other XMPP extenions, or open other ports.
This is no MatriX restriction, the same applies to all other technologies and libraries for web development as well.

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