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imran #1
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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Subject: How to find the ip adress of xmpp contact

How to find the ipaddress of the xmpp contact in my contact list. I developed the remote desktop sharing application and now i want the ip adress of my xmpp contact in my contact list to enter into the client of desktop sharing how to get that? or any other idea in this regard is needed

Thanks and Regards

Imran Khalid
Alex #2
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You have to write your own extension or use Jingle.
A XMPP server will never tell you the IP of your contacts for security reasons.

imran #3
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello Alex
Thanks for answering to my email.You suggested me previously to use jingle for remote sharing but jingle as posted by you already in other post have things like coders(and other non xmpp stuff) and i dont want to indulge into this at moment.
I am using agsXmpp for Xmpp related stuff and on top of this i wanted to have remote sharing stuff
I did implement the remote desktop sharing at moment i need the ip address my contact to initiate the remote sharing with him.My application did work in normal mode when i have the ip adress but as i need to do it via xmpp id so i need xmpp id of persons in my contact list.
You suggest to write my own extension on server side to reveal the ip adress of my contact? Also i need jingle for desktop sharing or for getting ip address ? As i did have now remote sharing so might i dont need jingle for desktop sharing.

Thanks and Regards
imran #4
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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Sorry for repost just correction in my earlier post for i need ip adress of my xmpp client id i already have :)


Imran Khalid
Alex #5
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create you own extension uning IQ and ask the contact for its public IP address.
imran #6
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Hello Alex,
I am again into writing to get the ip of xmpp clients.
Do please help me in this regard
After going through xmpp definite guide book i think i can use ibb(in bound byte stream) too ( might be hack) sending the ip address and port for both clients in the data field of ibb.The problem is that the server i use doesnt implement the ibb xep-0047. Also i dont know how to add support to server to handle this. can you help me in this regard too in case if at end i have to extend server to support xep 0047?
About writing the own extension if i have to create the xml namepspace and xml schema for new extension? Also if my client on both sides have to know how to handle this custom iq or there need anything to change on server in between? do please in brief tell the procedure in this case

Thanks for your support in advance

Imran khalid
Alex #7
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XEP-0047 is a client only protocol. There is no support needed in the server at all. The server routes only normal iq stanzas.

imran #8
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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thanks for replying
but if i put the ibb message i get feature not implemented error and as i read xep 0047 ,it says it appears when ibb is not supported
Also do please tell how to write server extensions meaning if i have to implement some xep in the server( lets say in ejabber) how to do this...
Also comment if its ok to put host ip address and port in ibb ?
imran #9
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello Alex,

This is what exactly i am getting

SEND: <iq id="agsXMPP_4" type="set" to="" from=""><open xmlns="" sid="dv917fb4" block-size="2" /></iq>
RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to="" type="error" xml:lang="en" id="agsXMPP_4"><open xmlns="" block-size="2" sid="dv917fb4" /><error code="503" type="cancel"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /></error></iq>

thanks for help in advance

Imran Khalid
Alex #10
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IQs must be sent always to a full Jid. But you are sending the packet to a bare Jid. This is your problem.

imran #11
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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Alex here is what i get when i try with full jabber id

SEND: <iq id="agsXMPP_4" type="set" to="" from=""><open xmlns="" sid="dv917fb4" block-size="10" /></iq>
RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to="" type="error" xml:lang="en" id="agsXMPP_4"><open xmlns="" block-size="10" sid="dv917fb4" /><error code="501">Not Implemented</error></iq>


Imran Khalid
Alex #12
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the client you are sending the packet to supports no IBB.
imran #13
Member since Apr 2009 · 17 posts · Location: Germany
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Thanks it works fine now i implemented this and works fine
Thanks for help
Imran khalid
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