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Delivery of Offline Messages
jaya #1
User title: Software Enginner
Member since Mar 2009 · 5 posts
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Subject: Offline Messages

  I am working on one-to-one  chat application in silverlight using Matrix.
Previously i used AGSXMPP then offline messages worked fine but now i am using Matrix in place of AGSXMPP so offline messages is not delivering can u  help me and also if i add new contact i need to send a messagebox to the added user that i have added him/her and allow or deny should be there so that i can find wether that user is added me or denied me.

Please help me i will be verymuch thankfull to you.

Thanks and Regards
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Quote by jaya:
I am working on one-to-one  chat application in silverlight using Matrix.
Previously i used AGSXMPP then offline messages worked fine but now i am using Matrix in place of AGSXMPP so offline messages is not delivering

this is not related to Matrix or agsXMPP. Offline messages get automatically delivered when you mark yourself as available. Either you server setup is wrong, or you don't send your available presence to the server on login. When you post a logfile I can check this.

Quote by jaya:
can u  help me and also if i add new contact i need to send a messagebox to the added user that i have added him/her and allow or deny should be there so that i can find wether that user is added me or denied me.

you have to process the OnPresence event and check for type subscribed or unsubscribed.

jaya #3
User title: Software Enginner
Member since Mar 2009 · 5 posts
Group memberships: Members
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Subject: Search for All Users

 Can any one help me how to Search members in the messaging network, that is i want all the users list present in my OpenFireServer under my HostName.

Alex #4
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Please post your questions in the threads the belong to.
If there is no appropriate thread then open a new one.

If you use the forums search you will find many threads about search. A example is also included in the MiniClient example.

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