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marcelo #1
Member since Jul 2005 · 12 posts
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Subject: error building the library
Yesterday I downloaded the source tree.

Trying to build the Desktop solution, VS fails with the following error
"Cryptographic failure while signing assembly 'E:\messaging-dev\ags\obj\Release\agsXMPP.dll' -- 'Error reading key file 'key.snk' -- The system cannot find the file specified. '"

I can see that file both in the main directory ( messaging-dev\ags, same where the .sln files reside ) and in messaging-dev\ags\bin\Windows\Debug.

Where I must copy the file to ?

Thank you
marcelo #2
Member since Jul 2005 · 12 posts
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Subject: sorry
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Simply copied the key file to the target directory, and it compiled
Alex #3
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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hi marcello,

the key is for signing the assembly. If you dont need it you could uncomment the line
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("key.snk")]
in AssemblyInfo.cs. Or put there an absolute path to the key. I have no idea what visual studio is doing here. Have the same problems too when compiling on different machines.

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