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tjabber #1
Member since Feb 2008 · 42 posts
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Subject: Allowing other muc users to invite other users to the chat room?
I'd like to let users I've invited to a chat room also invite people to a chat room. By default this doesn't seem to work as their invitations don't seem to get to the users.

So I'm guess I need to give users the role/privilege to invite users. The muc spec talks alot about these topics but I never see how to specify a role for users. All uses of role are from the "service." I don't see any in the invite stanza or any other stanza I send out.

Any ideas how to do this?

Jabberer #2
Member since Feb 2006 · 249 posts
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Quote by tjabber:
So I'm guess I need to give users the role/privilege to invite users. The muc spec talks alot about these topics but I never see how to specify a role for users. All uses of role are from the "service." I don't see any in the invite stanza or any other stanza I send out.
This depends on your room and server configuration. I think on many servers normal users are not allowed to send invites. But you can configure this with the room and allow invites for all participants.
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