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ayyrk #1
Member since Jul 2007 · 92 posts
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Subject: Reliable Messaging
What options are there for detecting lost messages?

I send a message to a mobile device over a GPRS network and it doesn't make it. Can I enable some sort of ACK or read receipt?

Thanks for any advice.

In the above scenario I try sending more messages to the device and the system recovers and delivers the messages. But the lost message is never seen on the mobile device.

This has to do with using an agsxmpp client to chat with a desktop client such as Spark or PSI.  I know that if I write the code for both ends of the conversation I can build the ack logic into my application.

I send messages from Spark and if the network connection is in flux the message is lost. Is there a way to notify the users that there may have been lost messages?

Maybe I could detect the error on the client (chat app written over agsxmpp) and send a standard message to the chat partner such as "My connection is flakey - can you repeat that?".

Sounds dumb -- just a thought...
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello ayyrk,

1) in theory a XMPP system should never loose a message if clients or servers are not buggy. XMPP also uses TCP instead of UDP as transport layer, because TCP provides reliable in-order delivery of a streams and bytes.

2) you can add acknowledgements for messages or stanza with one of the following  extensions

ayyrk #3
Member since Jul 2007 · 92 posts
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Thanks for the tips.

I will also look at the xml logs again to make sure the lost message didn't make it to the device.

Thanks again.
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