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Alex #1
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Subject: Frequenty asked Questions
Will you add feature xyz?
We work continuous on new features and XMPP extensions. Feel free to contact us if you want to sponsor certain functionality.

Does the agsXMPP SDK run on Mono/Linux?
Yes it does.

Is the agsXMPP SDK API stable?
Yes, agsXMPP is used in many open source and commercial projects today. The version is still below 1.0 because there are
still some features on our roadmap which we want to add before increasing the version to 1.0.

Can I use the agsXMPP SDK in a commercial application?
Contact us by Email if you are interested in a commercial license.

Can you release a LGPL or BSD licensed version?
No we can't

Can I build a XMPP server with agsXMPP?
Yes you can. But writing a XMPP server is a very compex task.
The idea of XMPP is: simple client, complex server.
Even if agsXMPP does lots of work for you, you have to study the XMPP RFC's in detail.

The examples don't support feature xyz and are crashing sometimes
the examples are not meant to be a usable client or server. Just to 
show off particular features of the API and get started with agsXMPP development.

I can't authenticate to my server, I'm sure that the password is correct
In the most cases this is a problem with your server configuration and the XMPP domain.
Never use IP addresses in your Jid or XMPP domain for testing.
The XMPP domain is part of the SASL authentication and must match.
This post was edited 2 times, last on 2013-05-01, 17:25 by Alex.
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