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Creegfire #1
Member since Jul 2018 · 2 posts
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Subject: Matrix.vNext sending XML string instead of XmppXElement

Currently I'm translating the following implementation of: to Matrix.vNext for .net standard support.

Due to the realllyyyyy bad implementation of Nefit it is required that when sending the put message to Nefit that 
 is sended as a true string instead translated to actually a carriage return.

I'm already searching for quite some time that I am able to send the message with those characters in it but I'm still unable to. The old library accepts a xml string which is accepted by the Nefit backend.

Could maybe someone help me out?

Thank you in advance.
Creegfire #2
Member since Jul 2018 · 2 posts
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I was able to solve it in the following way:

When browsing this forum someone mentioned to create your own message. I created a new message where I was able to override the ToString method so that I'm able to replace the content with the &$13; content.
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