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here is a MucManager helper class for MatriX vnext with the requested functionality.
Please let me know if this helps.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Matrix;
using Matrix.Xml;
using Matrix.Xmpp.Client;
using Matrix.Xmpp;
using Matrix.Xmpp.Muc;
using Matrix.Xmpp.Muc.Owner;
using Matrix.Xmpp.XData;
public class MucManager {
public MucManager(XmppClient xmppClient)
XmppClient = xmppClient;
public XmppClient XmppClient { get; internal set; }
public async Task<Iq> RequestRoomConfigurationAsync(Jid room)
var iq
= new OwnerIq
{ Type
= IqType
.Get, To
= room
return await XmppClient.SendIqAsync(iq);
public async Task<Iq> SubmitRoomConfigurationAsync(Jid room, Data xdata)
var iq
= new OwnerIq
{ Type
= IqType
.Set, To
= room, OwnerQuery
= { XData
= xdata
} };
return await XmppClient.SendIqAsync(iq);
public async Task<XmppXElement> EnterRoomAsync(Jid jid, string nick)
var createRoomStanza = CreateEnterRoomStanza(jid, nick, null, false, null);
Func<XmppXElement, bool> predicate = e =>
&& e
new BareJidComparer
return await XmppClient.SendAsync(createRoomStanza, predicate, 10000, CancellationToken.None);
public async Task<XmppXElement> ExitRoomAsync(Jid jid, string nick)
var exitRoomStanza = CreateExitRoomStanza(jid, nick);
Func<XmppXElement, bool> predicate = e =>
&& e
new BareJidComparer
return await XmppClient.SendAsync(exitRoomStanza, predicate, 10000, CancellationToken.None);
public Presence CreateEnterRoomStanza(Jid room, string nickname, string password = null, bool disableHistory = false, History history = null)
var to
= new Jid
Resource = nickname
To = to
if (password != null)
x.Password = password;
if (disableHistory)
var hist
= new History
{ MaxCharacters
= 0 };
x.History = hist;
if (history != null)
x.History = history;
return pres;
public Presence CreateExitRoomStanza(Jid room, string nickname)
var to
= new Jid
Resource = nickname
To = to,
Type = PresenceType.Unavailable
return pres;
This post was edited on 2017-08-09, 00:53 by