Subject: Send message to multiple users
Hi Alex,
I want to send XMPP message to multiple users without using room through C# Matrix Library. I have openfire server and it support Extended Stanza Addressing XEP-0033. I found some code for that.
But message not receive to recipient. I have some doubt on Multicast service JID ( ""). Is it correct for openfier server. If it is different, how i can find this address because i did not see this address on openfire server.
Thanks in Advance,
I want to send XMPP message to multiple users without using room through C# Matrix Library. I have openfire server and it support Extended Stanza Addressing XEP-0033. I found some code for that.
- {
- Type =,
- Jid = "hildjj@eworkplace0/Work",
- Description = "Joe Hildebrand"
- });
- {
- Type =,
- Jid = "jer@eworkplace0/Home",
- Description = "Jeremie Miller"
- });
- msg.Add(addresses);
- msg.To = "";
- msg.Body = "Hello, world!";
But message not receive to recipient. I have some doubt on Multicast service JID ( ""). Is it correct for openfier server. If it is different, how i can find this address because i did not see this address on openfire server.
Thanks in Advance,