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hardmanii #1
Member since Apr 2011 · 20 posts · Location: seoul
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Subject: May i know How to Openfire to automatically store the chatting message history in the server
May I know how to configure Openfire to automatically store the chatting (message) history in the server (probably default it does ?)
and how to retrieve it using the matrix SDK ?

I have tested the Openfire default setup with Spark client able to retrieve the previous chatting history but I could not
find any function in matirx sdk that allow me to retrieve the history.
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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I don't know which extension Openfire and Spark are using for archiving. There is XEP-0136: Message Archiving, but its not supported in MatriX because we did not have man requests for it yet.

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