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alexey_gusev #1
Member since Oct 2010 · 10 posts
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Subject: Any example of using SOCK5 for binary transfers?
Hello Alex,

could you please point me in right direction on using SOCKS5 with matrix mobile? I need to transfer binary files over xmpp, so if I use FileTransferManager or bluntly send a message as base64Encoded string then it works but obviously not as fast as I want due to base64 overheads.

I've read here on forums that it's possible to use SOCKS5 instead. If yes, how? Is there any existing support in Matrix? Or perhaps some example code or implementation?

Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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there is currently no support in the FileTransferManager for SOCkS5 transfers. This is on my TODO list for one of the next updates.
In the MiniClient example of agsXMPP there is complete example code for a SOCKS5 transfer. So you could port over this example to MatriX.

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