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Michal_Mayer #1
Member since Nov 2010 · 3 posts
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Subject: Question about statuses list.
I would like ask, if there exist some standartized contact list. I can found nothing. But i thing, the base contact statuses as online or away must be defined and it doesnt make sense, build this statuses list in application by own.
I know, there is possible add custom statuses, but i thinkg the base statuse has to be standartized, insnt  it ?
Is the another way, that got it from matrix, or its only way build it by myself ? If not, do you plan integrate this in matrix ?

Thank you
Alex #2
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This is defined in RFC 3921.
status is just a string

show (online state) is defined:

  • away -- The entity or resource is temporarily away.
  • chat -- The entity or resource is actively interested in chatting.
  • dnd -- The entity or resource is busy (dnd = "Do Not Disturb").
  • xa -- The entity or resource is away for an extended period (xa = "eXtended Away").

when none of the above is in the presence this means user is online.
when you get no presence at all this means user is offline.

I hope this answers your question.

Michal_Mayer #3
Member since Nov 2010 · 3 posts
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thank you for your answer.
i know and understand, but my question was about something little bit different.
I don't see the sense of building this online statuses list by own if this will be always the same. I know is simply string list and nothing difficult to do, but doesn't exists some way get this list programmatically ?
Alex #4
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sorry but I don't think I understand your questions.
The different show types are in both of our libraries as Enum.

Michal_Mayer #5
Member since Nov 2010 · 3 posts
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yes, this is that i am searching for, but first i found only public enum StatusCode for muc.

First time I didn't understand correctly what you meant by the word show. It looked like it was used in its original meaning, now I see that it is the name of the enum with the data i am looking for
my mistake. sorry.
Alex #6
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