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Hari Dudani #1
Member since Nov 2016 · 18 posts
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Subject: SSL in Matrix

I am using openfire server and Matrix XMPP library to send and receive message in .net. Now we have installed SSL certificate on openfire server. Should I need  to change in Matrix xmpp code except http to https?

This post was edited on 2016-11-14, 13:24 by Alex.
Alex #2
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HTTPS applies only when you are using the BOSH layer. Usually with XMPP you should use sockets, and when StartTls is set to true then MatriX automatically upgrades the socket to TLS which is the successor of SSL.
Hari Dudani #3
Member since Nov 2016 · 18 posts
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Thanks Alex for your quick response.

I am using XMPP socket so I need to write only this statement in code

  1. XMPPClient.StartTls = true;

Nothing is require, Right?

This post was edited on 2016-11-14, 14:25 by Alex.
Alex #4
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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true should be already the default value.
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