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lynnjeans #1
Member since Oct 2015 · 6 posts
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Subject: File transfer problem(Spark to MiniClient)
Dear sirs (madams ;-) ),
I meet a problem when i send file from Spark to MiniClient,
File transfer request is accepted in MiniClient side, but the transfer is no progress(still 0%).

I tested for :
1, MiniClient to MiniClient file transfer WORKS FINE.
2, MiniClient to Spark file transfer WORKS FINE.

ONLY Spark to MiniClient DOES NOT WORK.

This is the debug info below:  SEND FILE TO   DOES NOT WORK
RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="set" from="" to="" id="5E6vG-29"><si xmlns="" mime-type="image/jpeg" profile="" id="jsi_6135981304854517468"><file xmlns="" size="712676" name="4antongorlin-lavacreeksportstephensnswaustralia.jpg"><desc>Sending file</desc></file><feature xmlns=""><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="form"><field type="list-single" var="stream-method"><option><value></value></option><option><value></value></option></field></x></feature></si></iq>

SEND: <iq id="5E6vG-29" to="" type="result"><si xmlns="" id="jsi_6135981304854517468"><feature xmlns=""><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit"><field var="stream-method"><value></value></field></x></feature></si></iq>

RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="get" from="" to="" id="5E6vG-30"><query xmlns="" /></iq>

SEND: <iq to="" id="5E6vG-30" type="result"><query xmlns=""><identity type="pc" name="MiniClient" category="client" /><feature var="" /><feature var="" /><feature var="" /></query></iq> SEND FILE TO THIS WORKS FINE
RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="set" from="" to="" id="agsXMPP_10"><si xmlns="" profile="" id="85a5052f-9dcf-43dc-b196-ab4e31dd388c"><file xmlns="" size="712676" name="4antongorlin-lavacreeksportstephensnswaustralia.jpg"><range /></file><feature xmlns=""><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="form"><field type="list-single" var="stream-method"><option><value></value></option></field></x></feature></si></iq>

SEND: <iq id="agsXMPP_10" to="" type="result"><si xmlns="" id="85a5052f-9dcf-43dc-b196-ab4e31dd388c"><feature xmlns=""><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit"><field var="stream-method"><value></value></field></x></feature></si></iq>

RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="set" from="" to="" id="agsXMPP_11"><query xmlns="" sid="85a5052f-9dcf-43dc-b196-ab4e31dd388c"><streamhost host="" port="7777" jid="" /></query></iq> SEND FILE TO THIS WORKS FINE
SEND: <iq id="agsXMPP_13" to="" type="set"><si xmlns="" profile="" id="a790a9d1-a7af-410d-9ea1-022d9744ed6a"><file xmlns="" name="2_louisenadeau-orangepoppy.jpg" size="524170"><range /></file><feature xmlns=""><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="form"><field type="list-single" var="stream-method"><option><value></value></option></field></x></feature></si></iq>

RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="result" from="" to="" id="agsXMPP_13"><si xmlns=""><feature xmlns=""><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit"><field var="stream-method"><value></value></field></x></feature></si></iq>

SEND: <iq id="agsXMPP_14" to="" type="set"><query xmlns="" sid="a790a9d1-a7af-410d-9ea1-022d9744ed6a"><streamhost jid="" host="" port="7777" /></query></iq>

RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="result" from="" to="" id="agsXMPP_14"><query xmlns=""><streamhost-used jid="" /></query></iq>

SEND: <iq id="agsXMPP_15" to="" type="set"><query xmlns="" sid="a790a9d1-a7af-410d-9ea1-022d9744ed6a"><activate></activate></query></iq>

RECV: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="result" from="" to="" id="agsXMPP_15" />

I'm confused with this problem whole days, can anyone point me?   :-)  
It's will be much appreciated if someone helps.  :nuts:
This post was edited 2 times, last on 2016-04-27, 12:43 by lynnjeans.
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