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...with the same from:JID and to:JID
azorman #1
Member since Mar 2006 · 9 posts
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Subject: Multiple Jabber Server Connections
Using the Miniclient as a guide I was able to write a console program that works perfectly with the jabber servers I have tried including Google talk. However, I need to do the following:

maria@gmail/resource1 chats with peter@gmail/resource2 [this opens a chat window A]
maria@gmail/resource3 chats with peter@gmail/resource4 [this opens a chat window B]

(I am only using as an example!) I cann't seam to accomplish that. Even with different resources all the chatting occurs in window A.

Hopefully I made myself clear. Thanks for any ideas.
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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what you want to do is to login 1 contact with different resources. This is a XMPP feature. I'm not sure if google allows you to login with multiple resources. And i don't think you can assign the resource at gmail yourself. Normally the gmail server gives you a randon resource during the bind process. So i dont think you will get the resources that you set in the agsXMPP ClientConnection with a gmail server. If it doesnt work then you should use another XMPP server.

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