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SendIqSynchronous get never returns
Beaker #1
Subject: VCard
the following is from the MiniClient and works for the account used to test

            viq = new VcardIq() {Type = IqType.get, To = _jid.Bare};
            xmppClient.IqFilter.SendIq(viq, VcardResult, null);

however, when I replace the second line with this

            Iq iq = xmppClient.IqFilter.SendIqSynchronous(viq, 3000);

no matter how long the timeout, the call always times out and returns null

Thanks in advance
Beaker #2
Subject: Additional detail
Placing this call onto a background thread helps some but the IqFilter does not seem to be able to accept VCardResult if the GUI thread has not returned.

   Threadstart x = new Threadstart(MethodThatCallsSendIqSynchronously);
   Thread t = new Thread(x);

if gui_click does not return before the SendIqSynchronous timeout, SendIqSynchronous returns null
This post was edited on 2010-03-25, 20:48 by Beaker.
Alex #3
The Synchronous IqFilter must be in a seperate thread like described here:…

otherwise you app blocks MatriX and they time out. Why are you not using the Asynchronous IqFilters?

This post was edited on 2013-02-25, 22:27 by Alex.
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