Subject: PubSub Iq Response
I'm having some trouble with processing the response when I query a PubSub node to request all items from the node. I can't seem to get the items element on the IQ response like I can for an event. (The PubSub class does not have an Items property like PubSubEvent does.) For example, when I receive a PubSub event, this code let's me process the items:
foreach (Matrix.Xmpp.PubSub.Event.Item itm in pubSubEvent.Items.GetItems())
But I can't seem to drill down to the item elements in the IQ response. When I was using agsXMPP I accomplished this by calling SelectElements("item", true). How should I be doing this in Matrix?
The XML that I am trying to process is similar to what is in the example in the PubSub spec:
<iq type='result'>
<pubsub xmlns=''>
<items node='princely_musings'>
<item id='368866411b877c30064a5f62b917cffe'>
<item id='3300659945416e274474e469a1f0154c'>
foreach (Matrix.Xmpp.PubSub.Event.Item itm in pubSubEvent.Items.GetItems())
But I can't seem to drill down to the item elements in the IQ response. When I was using agsXMPP I accomplished this by calling SelectElements("item", true). How should I be doing this in Matrix?
The XML that I am trying to process is similar to what is in the example in the PubSub spec:
<iq type='result'>
<pubsub xmlns=''>
<items node='princely_musings'>
<item id='368866411b877c30064a5f62b917cffe'>
<item id='3300659945416e274474e469a1f0154c'>