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markz #1
Member since May 2009 · 11 posts
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Subject: PubSub Iq Response
I'm having some trouble with processing the response when I query a PubSub node to request all items from the node. I can't seem to get the items element on the IQ response like I can for an event. (The PubSub class does not have an Items property like PubSubEvent does.) For example, when I receive a PubSub event, this code let's me process the items:

foreach (Matrix.Xmpp.PubSub.Event.Item itm in pubSubEvent.Items.GetItems())

But I can't seem to drill down to the item elements in the IQ response. When I was using agsXMPP I accomplished this by calling SelectElements("item", true). How should I be doing this in Matrix?

The XML that I am trying to process is similar to what is in the example in the PubSub spec:

<iq type='result'>
<pubsub xmlns=''>
<items node='princely_musings'>
<item id='368866411b877c30064a5f62b917cffe'>
<item id='3300659945416e274474e469a1f0154c'>

Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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I missed to add this. I will work on this now and post a link to the update.
The items are in another namespace than in the PubSubEvent. So I must add some new classes.

Alex #3
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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done. You can grab a new dll here when you navigate to  MatriX > Release > Mobile.
Let me know if it works.

markz #4
Member since May 2009 · 11 posts
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That works, thanks! The different namespace for PubSub queries and events is one of my least favorite features of XMPP.
Alex #5
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Quote by markz:
The different namespace for PubSub queries and events is one of my least favorite features of XMPP.

don't like this either. And its even worse when doing server or component programming where you have to rewrite namespaces all the time.

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