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amerts #1
Member since Oct 2019 · 4 posts
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Subject: Enable message acknowledgment

I'm working on implementing a message receiving acknowledgment for the chat in Unity project. The problem is when user A sends a message to user B, user B will receive this message only when he is online or offline (when he becomes online). But if user B is disconnected, because of WIFI drop or any other reason, he won't receive the message, even after disconnect. So I decided to use XEP-0115 and XEP-0184, to fix this issue.

When I init XmppClient, I set the following flags:
   Client.StreamResumption = true;
   Client.StreamManagement = true;

And call RequestReceipt when I send a message

Is it correct?

When I receive a message, there is  <unreliable server="my_server" id="MX_26" xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts" /> tag
<message to="jid_to" from="jid_from" id="MX_26" xmlns="jabber:client">
    <unreliable server="my_server" id="MX_26" xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts" />

As far as I understood it's an issue with XEP-0115 Entity Compatibility and the documentation says "Lack of ack support: The server says the receiver does not support ack, using the same message id attribute"

Please can you guide me on how to fix it?
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello amerts,

I think you are mixing many extensions here.
Also I don't know what this xml node means:
  1. <unreliable server="my_server" id="MX_26" xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts" />

Are you sure that you are receiving this? Can you attach the full log?

  • Are you sending messages to full or bare Jids?
  • Does the sender get any error messages back?
  • If the user is offline then the message goes to the offline store and gets delivered when he comes online the next time

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