Subject: XMPP / SSO No Error or Message
We're evaluating Matrix XMPP and are running into a snag when attempting to use its SSO feature in .NET. We've created a custom SaslProcessor to supply a WebEx token, the SSO is successfully retrieving a token, and we can see it supply the token during trace. However, no further error or message of any sort comes through. We do see the typical XMPP handshake, with WEBEX-TOKEN as a supported mechanism, as shown below:
We're tracing through every possible event handler, error handler, etc. but none ever get hit nor is there any exception that we can see.
Any help or things to check would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
We're evaluating Matrix XMPP and are running into a snag when attempting to use its SSO feature in .NET. We've created a custom SaslProcessor to supply a WebEx token, the SSO is successfully retrieving a token, and we can see it supply the token during trace. However, no further error or message of any sort comes through. We do see the typical XMPP handshake, with WEBEX-TOKEN as a supported mechanism, as shown below:
- <stream:features xmlns:stream="">
- <mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">
- <mechanism>WEBEX-TOKEN</mechanism>
- <mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism>
- </mechanisms>
- </stream:features>
We're tracing through every possible event handler, error handler, etc. but none ever get hit nor is there any exception that we can see.
Any help or things to check would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,