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Jeff #1
Member since Jul 2018 · 2 posts
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Subject: PEP Notifications
I am trying to implement Personal Eventing Protocol, but I'm having an issue where clients do not receive notifications when a user publishes an event. I'm not sure if I'm missing a step.
What I am currently doing is first sending the capabilities of the client in their initial presence by having the DiscoManager auto send it and show interest in the location+notify event:
  1. DiscoManager disco = new DiscoManager(xmppClient);
  2. disco.AutoSendCaps = true;
  3. disco.Node = "";
  4. disco.AddFeature("");

This automatically sends the capabilities when my presence is sent:
  1. <presence xmlns="jabber:client">
  2.  <show>chat</show>
  3.  <status></status>
  4.  <priority>0</priority>
  5.  <c hash="sha-1" ver="3vRWndC2mEZfFvIM2/ZrIg4oEb4=" node="" xmlns="" />
  6. </presence>

I then publish an item using the PubSubManager:
  1. PubSubManager pubSub = new PubSubManager(xmppClient);
  2. Matrix.Xmpp.PubSub.Item item = new Matrix.Xmpp.PubSub.Item(new Location() {
  3.   LocationName = "MyLocation"
  4. });
  5. pubSub.PublishItem(null, "", item)

This sends out the follwing:
  1. <iq id="MX_10" type="set" xmlns="jabber:client">
  2.  <pubsub xmlns="">
  3.     <publish node="">
  4.       <item>
  5.         <location xmlns="location">
  6.           <locationName>MyLocation</locationName>
  7.         </location>
  8.       </item>
  9.     </publish>
  10.  </pubsub>
  11. </iq>

The user receives their own response back, but no other users receive any information after the event is published. Can you tell me if I am doing this correctly?

This post was edited on 2018-07-10, 23:14 by Alex.
Alex #2
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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Hello Jeff,

Do your clients reply to Disco requests? This is required, otherwise your server cannot decode and cache the caps and understand the caps version (hash).

Jeff #3
Member since Jul 2018 · 2 posts
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Ah, yes, that seems to be the problem.
I added code to reply to disco requests:
  1. private void OnDiscoInfoRequest(object sender, Matrix.Xmpp.Disco.DiscoIqEventArgs e)
  2. {
  3.    e.Info.AddFeature(new Matrix.Xmpp.Disco.Feature("location+notify"));
  4. }
And other clients now begin to receive notifications.

This post was edited on 2018-07-11, 19:24 by Alex.
Edit reason: added code formatting
Alex #4
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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when you use the DisoManager MatriX can handle this also fully automatically for you.

When you set AutoReplyToDiscoInfo to true, then MatriX automatically replies with all the Features and Identities you set in the DiscoManager.

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