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general discussions about the XMPP protocol and extensions (XEPs)
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I'd like to know if jingle is implemeted in agsxmpp 4 replies Topic started by kevin Last post in Mar 2008
by Alex
I want to delete an account from server of openfire 1 reply Topic started by kevin Last post in Mar 2008
by Alex
6 replies Topic started by ayyrk Last post in Feb 2008
by ayyrk
4 replies Topic started by pam Last post in Feb 2008
by pam
13 replies Topic started by ayyrk Last post in Jan 2008
by Alex
RegisterAccount 3 replies Topic started by kevin Last post in Jan 2008
by Alex
Extending the Socket Timeout Value 2 replies Topic started by lorien Last post in Nov 2007
by Alex
2 replies Topic started by ayyrk Last post in Nov 2007
by ayyrk
5 replies Topic started by ayyrk Last post in Sep 2007
by Alex
4 replies Topic started by sreedevi1984 Last post in Jul 2007
by sreedevi1984
3 replies Topic started by chinull Last post in May 2007
by chinull
Do they work together? 1 reply Topic started by el_clowno Last post in Mar 2007
by Alex
3 replies Topic started by hexin Last post in Mar 2007
by Jabberer
2 replies Topic started by xishan Last post in Feb 2007
by xishan
18 replies Topic started by Aatif Ali Last post in Feb 2007
by Jabberer
14 replies Topic started by ebmifa Last post in Jan 2007
by sreedevi1984
saving additional data for each user on wildfire server 3 replies Topic started by simons Last post in Dec 2006
by Alex
6 replies Topic started by mayprog Last post in Oct 2006
by mayprog
how to add transport in jabber client 6 replies Topic started by xishan Last post in Aug 2006
by Jabberer
2 replies Topic started by cml Last post in Aug 2006
by xishan
1 reply Topic started by surjith Last post in Jun 2006
by Jabberer
7 replies Topic started by mayprog Last post in Jun 2006
by mayprog
2 replies Topic started by vietnt Last post in May 2006
by vietnt
Can i Find out XMPPServer(wildfire) Start or stop? 1 reply Topic started by liyasker Last post in Feb 2006
by Alex
3 replies Topic started by preky Last post in Feb 2006
by Alex
7 replies Topic started by jcdekoning Last post in Nov 2005
by Alex
3 replies Topic started by cml Last post in Nov 2005
by Alex
3 replies Topic started by cml Last post in Oct 2005
by Alex
4 replies Topic started by cml Last post in Oct 2005
by Alex
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